Welcome to Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing & Health Sciences
Before beginning classes, you are required to submit/upload copies of the following items to our document management site Castle Branch! You will first need to create an account with Castle Branch. Please remember your account credentials as you will need to access the site often.
For any questions about these requirements listed below, please contact:
Andrew Griesbaum, Student Services Officer
217-228-5520 Ext. 6990,
Student Services Requirements
For On-Campus Students:
Below is a list of requirements for on-campus students, that must be completed prior to beginning your first year of classes.
BSN: (first-time, transfers, and second degree): To complete and submit the required college forms, please go to: CastleBranch for BSN
Radiology Technology: To complete and submit the required college forms please go to CastleBranch for Rad Tech.
Respiratory Care: To complete and submit the required college forms, please go to: CastleBranch for RC
Medical Laboratory Technician: To complete and submit the required college forms, please go to CastleBranch for MLT
For online RN-BSN, RRT-BSRT and MSN students:
You are not required to complete a background check, drug screen or provide proof of immunizations history as part of your admissions requirements for acceptance into the program. However, you may be asked to do so as part of your experiential learning.
Online RN to BSN: To complete and submit the required college forms, please go to: CastleBranch for RN-BSN
Online RRT to BSRT: To complete and submit the required college forms, please go to: CastleBranch for RRT-BSRT
MSN: To complete and submit the required college forms, please go to: CastleBranch for MSN
Please have the following requirements met NO LATER THAN AUGUST 1st (Fall Admits), JANUARY 10th (Spring Admits) and May 1st (Summer Admits):
- BRCN Registration forms (located on your CastleBranch portal)
- Two MMR immunizations or lab/physician certified evidence of immunity.
- Hepatitis B Series or lab/physician certified evidence of immunity. This is a three step series with the second injection coming one month after the first and the third coming 5 months after the second injection. There are a total of three injections - Waiver available.
- Mantoux TB skin test – If this is your first TB test or more than two years have lapsed since you last received it you are required to get a two-step TB test or TB blood test. The 2-step is as follows: initial test is done and read 48 hours later; 2nd test is done one to two weeks later and is read 48-72 hours later. After the two step test, you are required to have one done annually. (Annual TB skin test does not conflict with other injections, and may be taken at any time. TB skin tests are available without cost from most Public Health clinics.)
- Tetanus (Td) within the last 10 years or lab/physician certified evidence of immunity– waiver available upon request.
- Varicella (this is also known as the Chicken Pox Vaccine) or lab or physician certified evidence of immunity.
If you choose to waiver out of receiving any immunizations, understand that you may be asked to leave clinical due to outbreaks or patient safety. You will also be responsible for the time lost. Be aware when scheduling immunizations that there could be a wait between injections if you are having more than one immunization done. Contact your local health department or primary care physician if you have any questions about multiple immunizations. There is a 30-day wait between the first and second Hepatitis injections, and a five month wait between the second and third Hepatitis injections. - CPR - The CPR certificate must be American Heart Association, BLS Provider. To sign up for a class offered by Blessing Health System contact Organizational Development at 217-223-8400 ext. 4860. The class can be completed from a training site of your choosing, but please ensure the class is American Heart Association, BLS Provider course. The course can be completed online. After completing the online course, you must complete a hands-on-session (additional fee) with an AHA certified trainer to obtain a course completion card. (Nursing, Respiratory, and Radiology only. N/A for Med Lab)
- Student Malpractice Insurance – Please contact Student Services at 217-228-5520 ext. 6990 for more information on the Malpractice Insurance as it varies by program.
- Drug Screen – Every student must submit to a drug screen no more than 30 days prior to the start of their first semester at BRCN or upon re-entry into the program. This must be completed by the end of the first week of classes. This must be done through Blessing Physician Services (Office of Sports and Occupational Medicine), Suite 101, 927 Broadway, Quincy IL. Their phone number is 217-223-8400 ext. 7950. No appointment is needed. Walk-ins are welcome.
- Criminal Background Check – Every student is required to complete a background check no more than 60 days prior to the start of their first semester at BRCN or upon re-entry into the program. This must be completed by the end of the first week of classes. The background check will be initiated when you set up your CastleBranch account.
Student Criminal Background Check Policy Statement
All Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing & Health Sciences students are required to undergo a criminal background check prior to beginning clinical at the sophomore level. The Illinois State Law authorizing this check is the “Health Care Worker Background Check Act.” The law was enacted for the protection of the frail and disabled citizens of the State of Illinois. The academic programs of Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing & Health Sciences require clinical experiences that may include the treatment of children, developmentally disabled, or vulnerable adults. The criminal background check includes self-disclosure of your criminal history and investigation of your criminal history by the Illinois State Highway Patrol and/or in the state in which the student has permanent residence. If a student is from Missouri they need both an Illinois and a Missouri background check. If they are from Illinois only, just the Illinois background check is required. The student has a right to (a) obtain a copy of the criminal record report, (b) challenge the accuracy and completeness and (c) request a waiver. The student may be withdrawn from clinical courses or may be dismissed from the program if the Criminal History Record Check shows a conviction of any of the criminal offenses listed in the Student Handbook.
Dress Code
All students are required to comply with the following dress code during pre-clinical, lab, and/or clinical experiences unless otherwise stated in a course syllabus.
Wear only clean, pressed, well fitting (not tight) BRCN uniforms.
- Shoes that are soft soled and skid resistant. Shoes must be clean with a closed top and toe. Shoes must be professional in appearance. Shoelaces and socks are to be clean and in good repair.
- Wear a mid-thigh to knee length BRCN white lab coat that buttons down the front. (Lab coat is optional).
- Maintain a clean, well-groomed physical appearance. Hair must be secured and off of the collar.
- Semi-professional dress and identification is required for pre-clinical preparations unless otherwise stated in course syllabus. No sandals, open toe shoes, jeans, or sweat suits are allowed at any time.
- Jewelry is discouraged for infection control requirements. Earrings are limited to two (2) per ear and are to be no larger than ½ inch in diameter. Hoops, bars, dangles, and/or connected jewelry are not permitted. Gauges must be solid and not exceed ¼ inch in diameter. Piercings, with the exception of ears and a singular nose stud (no septum), must not be visible or offensive in nature. Neck chains (including medical alert tags) must be worn inside or under clothing.
- Artificial nails or nail enhancements are not permitted. Natural fingernails must be clean and no longer than ¼ inch. Nail polish is not permitted.
- Strong perfume, Cologne, and after-shave are discouraged in the clinical areas due to patient sensitivity.
*Additional details of personal hygiene and dress code can be found in the Student Handbook
Business Casual Dress Code
- The Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing & Health Sciences polo shirt and khaki slacks or skirt are worn when representing the College. Examples of events that represent the College are professional service activities, recruitment events, and some clinical experiences in the community or at community agencies.
Required clothing items to purchase-Estimated Cost $125:
- Blessing (Royal) Blue Scrubs with BRCN logo - All on-campus programs
- BRCN (Royal Blue) Polo Shirt - Nursing only
Required clothing may be purchased from our online store.
Scrubs may also be purchased at the store of your choice and can be taken to Expressions by Christine, 711 Maine Street, Quincy, IL 62301, 217-223-2750, for embroidery of the BRCN logo.
**Gently Used Scrubs may be available at the Blessing-Rieman Caring Cupboard on Campus.
Required Supplies
Items Nursing & Respiratory Students will need:
Estimated supplies cost- $120
- Water resistant watch with a second hand (smart watches are not allowed)
- Stethoscope ($26)
- Pen light
- Blood pressure cuff-adult ($18)
A limited supply of Blood Pressure Cuffs and Stethoscopes are available for purchase in the Student Service office. Prices are listed above. Payment can be cash, check, or debit/credit card.
BRCN does not have a campus bookstore. Books for courses here at BRCN can be purchased from any vendor of your choice such as Amazon, Chegg, and eCampus by searching for the ISBN number found on the book list.
Quincy University and Culver Stockton College students may purchase books for classes held on the partner campus from the partner campus bookstore. Details to order books for courses here at BRCN come from the book list.