Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing & Health Sciences invites area children and the adults in their lives to the 28thAnnual Teddy Bear Clinic on Sunday, October 2, from Noon to 3 p.m. The Clinic will be held in the Auditorium of Blessing Hospital at 11th Street in Quincy. The theme will be a birthday party celebrating Blessing-Rieman’s 125thyear of nursing and healthcare career education.
The Teddy Bear Clinic is free and designed for children ages 3-6 and their favorite doll or stuffed toy to help the children realize the importance of good health and overcome fears of a health check-up by conducting a check-up on their favorite doll or stuffed toy. Nursing students will interact with each child and their stuffed toy as they use a stethoscope to listen to heart and lungs, apply a bandage to boo-boos and record their toy’s height and weight. Stations will also provide information on safety and poison prevention and Flo and Dorsey BrownBear, a pair of six foot tall stuffed bears, will be on hand to help children learn that getting a shot does not have to be scary.
A fire truck, ambulance and Air Evac helicopter will also be on-site for tours unless called away for an emergency response. Refreshments will be provided by Pepsi Refreshment Services and DOT Foods.
Parking is available in the parking lot across 11th Street from the main entrance to Blessing Hospital.
For more information contact the College of Nursing at 217-228-5520.
The Teddy Bear Clinic is planned and conducted by Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing & Health Sciences Maternal Child students and faculty.