The public is welcome to browse through our collection.  If you have a question about anything, please feel free to call us at (217) 228-5520 x6970 or e-mail us at  

MedlinePlus is a freely searchable consumer information site with links to authoritative Web resources, clinical trials, dictionaries, directories, organizations, news sources for more than 600 health topics.

American College of Physicians (ACP) Patient Education Center
Brochures and other free disease education materials

American Medical Association (AMA) Doctor Finder
AMA Physician Select provides information on virtually every licensed physician in the United States and its possessions, including more than 690,000 doctors of medicine (MD) and doctors of osteopathy or osteopathic medicine (DO).

American Cancer Society
Who is at risk, prevention & early detection, cancer reference information, myths & half-truths about cancer, and statistics

Dietary Supplement Label Database
This resource from the National Library of Medicine offers information about more than two thousand brands of dietary supplements.

Evaluating Internet Health Information
National Library of Medicine tutorial

Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide
Ask Doctor K, health news, and other health information   

Prevention & wellness, diseases & conditions, and alternative medicine

MEDLINEplus Directories 
Find doctors, dentists, and hospitals  

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health 
Browse popular health topics and search for clinical trials

National Diabetes Health Information
Treatments, complications, statistics, and clinical trials

National Health Information Center 
NHIC puts health professionals and consumers who have health questions in touch with those organizations that are best able to provide answers.

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)
Information on rare diseases, orphan drugs, organizations/support groups for those with rare diseases

Provides high quality health information created by the faculty at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio State University, and Case Western Reserve University. 

NOAH (New York Online Access to Health)
NOAH provides access to high quality full-text consumer health information in English and Spanish that is accurate, timely, relevant and unbiased.

Women's Health Information 
Browse health topics, health tools, statistics