APA 7th Edition Template
The 7th edition of the APA Manual is available on the reserve shelf in the library.
Formatting tips (7th ed)
No running head is required
Every page has a page number in the header, top right corner
Cover page has title of paper in bold, capitalize all major words, no word limit
Title, author name, university, course name and number, instructor name, assignment due date positioned in the upper-middle of the page.
One blank double-spaced line under title
Use same font size for everything in the document
Entire document is double spaced
Permitted fonts: Times New Roman-12 pt; Georgia-11 pt; Calibri-11 pt; Arial-11 pt; Lucida Sans—10 pt
One inch margins
One space after a period
Use ‘et al.’ for 3 or more authors (exception—include as many authors as needed to distinguish between sources with the same first author)
If a quotation is more than 40 words, use a block quote format
Cite the specific page number of direct quotes in text
If no page numbers are available, you can include the paragraph number in text (Mayo Clinic, n.d., para. 2) or the section header (Mayo Clinic, n.d., Complications section)
Under Layout->Paragraph->Indents and Spacing. Make sure ‘Don't Add Space Between Paragraphs Of The Same Style’ is checkmarked.
Source with two authors (note difference in ‘and’ and ‘&’)—
(Loveless & Grifith, 2014)
Loveless and Griffith (2014)
A sample paper is on page 61.
Referencing tips (7th ed)
References should be alphabetical order and double spaced
Include DOI as hyperlinked URL if available. Do not include a URL or database information for works from academic research databases. Include a URL for ebooks from other websites. Do not put a period after the DOI or URL.
Capitalize only the first word of the journal article and subtitle
Same author and same year—use a and b after year (2015a)
Use hanging indents
Include up to 20 authors
Every in text citation should be cited on your reference page and vice versa. Personal communication does not apply to this rule (it requires only an in text citation).
Do not use ‘retrieved from’
Leave hyperlinks
No place of publication needed for books in 7th ed
APA Style.org